Hello there my friends....It is sunny and hot here in Wexford, Ireland. It's a lovely day! Wish you could be here to walk with me by the sea. We set out yesterday from Kinsale and spent the day driving to Wexford. We are here thru tomorrow morning (we will set sail on an Irish Ferry for Pembroke, Wales). We had a great day yesterday viewing the beautiful Irish scenery...I can't believe how many castles and ruins you can spot off the road...this place is amazing! We'd be driving along and then you look off in the distance or you come round a corner and "oh look, another castle!" My dad has enjoyed driving the wee winding roads in the country (although, it has also been quite a test of patience when dealing with road signs and directions in the cities). We are still dealing with our colds...dad seems to be on the otherside though and healing up. I think I'm getting there soon...mom although, is still very much in the midst of it. We're all troopers and doing our best to keep up our spirits. Thank you all for your continued prayers for our health. We pop into the chemist (pharmacy) occasionally to replenish our medicines and cough drops. And we seem to be eating a bit more healthy here in Ireland (trying to eat more salad) compared to Scotland (all those fried Mars bars!!!). You know how holidays can be... We had planned to go to the Waterford Crystal Factory in Waterford....BUT we decided not to go due to "The Tall Ships" being docked there (I guess there are several old sailing ships that tour around the world)....the town is packed with tourists from all over and we were actually detoured around the city. So instead, we decided against fighting the traffic and the crowds and today we are enjoying a bit of leisurely shopping in Wexford (where one can find Waterford Crystal in several of the shops anyways). One thing I've learned on this trip...BE FLEXIBLE...we just can't possibly do everything we'd like to do in the time we have...and I KNOW in my heart there will be more trips over here...so being flexible and willing to compromise on stuff has been a good thing...it leaves stuff to come back and see next time!!! A wee update on the terrorist bombings in London...I think the death toll is up to 49 (and counting) and they are still finding people trapped in the tunnels (they're still hard at work trying to clear it all up). My understanding is that the underground tube system is up and running in most parts (except at Kings Cross) and that the buses are running normally too. They said that a great deal of people chose to stay home yesterday and so for a Friday the streets of London were unusually quiet. But again...the stance I hear Tony Blair taking is that they won't let this scare them or ruin them, that people need to get on with life and business, and they will do all they can to find the perpetrators. Right now they are still looking into the Al Qaeda angle. I don't think it is a coincidence that the bombers chose the day of the G8 summit to make their statement. Things should be fine regarding our transportation by the time we get back to London...but it will be interesting to see London after this tragedy. Please keep people in your prayers. Oh...and to update you about our day tomorrow...we leave Ireland around 8:30am and should arrive at Pembroke Wales around noon and we plan to catch a train (a lovely 4 hour tour...it'll be great to see the countryside of Wales by train) into Cardiff Central where we can pick up a taxi to the airport in order to pick up our rental car...then we'll drive into England and get to our B&B in Bath. It will be a long day...so please pray for us. We plan to see the city of Bath on Monday...then Tuesday we hope to set out to explore Stonehenge and Avebury stone circles. And the Wednesday we drive to London. One last quick little impression of Ireland...this country has been lovely and has really dug deep into our hearts. You guys know that I've always wanted to come....and I was soooooo close when I lived in Scotland! It has been a wonderful blessing to actually be here. The people have been so friendly, kind, and helpful...and we've enjoyed talking with the various characters that God has allowed to cross our paths. My mom got teary eyed last night as we walked to the pub we were to eat dinner at. I know what's she's feeling...I too have cried those tears. She has had a blast here in Ireland and she has made memories that will last her lifetime. We tease her that she is a wee Irish leprechaun that's come home. And you know...that's what the folk here have really said when they talk with her "you've come home". This place has been magical and special...with it's vibrant greens, it's lively music, it's historical ruins, and it's heartfelt people. I can't wait to show you photos (my goodness I've gone mental with taking pictures! it's gone beyond ridiculous!) I'm so blessed that God has allowed me to come to Ireland...but also that I could come with my parents and share in this special experience with them. God is good! I send my love and I'll email as soon as I can once again. Bless you! Slainte! Lisa
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