Hello there my friends...this will be my last transmission to ya from these bonnie wee islands cuz tomorrow we fly out to go back to the States. It has been an absolutely fabulous time touring the UK and Ireland on holiday these past 5 weeks...and we are a bit emotional to leave. Today mom and I got up early to hve our morning walk to Victoria Station to grab a coffee from Starbucks and a donut from a Krispy Kreme vendor (can you believe it!)....I will miss our morning walks on the streets of London. We ventured out to Westminster Cathedral and Westminster Abbey today. They are both in the same area of the city. The Cathedral is Roman Catholic (really beautiful sanctuary) and the Abbey is the famous Church of England (Anglican/Episcopal) church known for the coronations of the kings and queens and weddings and funerals of the royals. That was amazing to see tombs of past royalty (like Queen Elizabeth I, and King Henry the VII)...the stained glass windows were beautiful too! We stood in the square near Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament at noon for the 2 minutes of silence that the UK and the European Union took in rememberance of those who died last week in the London terrorist bombings. It was a chilling experience to be in the midst of the city today at that moment...everyone and every car and bus and taxi and businesses all over the city...everything went full stop for 2 minutes. Big Ben chimed at noon and then no sounds were heard from anyone or anything at all for 2 minutes. It was all over the news in the papers and on the tv (and we were there in the middle of it!) We also took a taxi today to go over to Shakespeares Globe Theatre. It's on the other side of the Thames from us and down quite a ways...so taking a taxi made it quicker in getting there. We were unable to go inside due to them preparing for a performance today...but we at least got to be there...and we walked across the Thames River on the Millenium Bridge back to our side of the river to catch another taxi back to Victoria Station. It was a lovely day out and we enjoyed being in the city for our last day of our trip. Tomorrow we'll take the tube back to Heathrow to catch our British Airways flight to Seattle. I want to thank you all for praying for us over the last 5 weeks of this amazing holiday. Oh...and I want to also thank you for praying for us regarding our health...we are all on the mend...in fact mom only has remnants of a cough but dad and I are doing fine. Thanks! I'll let you know we're safe once I get back to Bremerton and have the chance to email. Bless you my friends. This has been such a great trip and I can't wait to show you photos and share more stories with you...it's going to take me awhile to process it all (thank God for my journal and for these cathartic emails!) Until I'm Stateside. Please keep us in prayer as we fly. I send my love....Cheers! Lisa
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